Thursday, 18 July 2013

To work and back again

I have started working at a game development company in George very recently. Now for those of you who are not familiar with South Africa, George is the place you go to when the city life has gotten you down and you would like nothing more than to go fishing. Not the place I would have ever expected a pioneering game development company to be situated at.

Now I don't live in George, I live in a place called Herold's bay. You know the quiet town in the middle of a scenic route? Herold's bay is around the corner from that place. In fact, it may even be around several corners. The trip to work itself is only 18km on a very scenic route, which is welcome compared to the 29km in built up city. It is because of this that I've decided to document a trip in to work.

Where my car sleeps
The morning starts off by going down some stairs and then up some stairs to reach my car. You may notice that there's quite a hill for me to climb. I can assure you that coming down is harder.

Leaving Herold's Bay
Two streets after the steep incline of my driveway I reach the end of the town.
Notice how mountains replace skyscrapers
Don't get me wrong, the road to work isn't a short one. I drive by an airport and several farms. I even once saw a couple of cows next to the road, and I swear they were hitch-hiking. But the breathtaking mountains dominate my view for a majority of the trip. That is until I reach George itself.
Morning traffic in George is killer!
 There are some misconceptions that George has no traffic. There is, but it's not nearly as bad as Gauteng traffic. Keep in mind that I drive by a school, a big no-no in Gauteng is a very big meh here.

The offices where I work
Finally after a gruelling </sarcasm> 30 minutes of travel I reach my offices. Parking is hard to come by, and while the company is small, it is part of a large collection of companies. All in all it is a fantastic place to work.
A small forest. Probably larger than Herold's Bay
Eventually I head home, and the view is not so great for the most part. No big mountain looming over me, only farms, cows, and small forests. That is until I turn in to Herold's Bay...
Little hilltop
..and climb the hill...
.. and see the ocean.

That's the marvel of living in Herold's Bay.